While Dad has been in the hospital, he has not adjusted very well to the feeding formula that he now has to take through his feeding tube. He gets very nausea and gets the dry heaves. Furthermore, he was getting the diarrhea within an hour time frame of his feeding.

Yesterday evening, they did a test on him to see if the feeding tube itself has moved. Well, the test results came back inclusive.  So today, they took him down to the people who placed the feeding tube in him and adjusted the feeding tube. For now, they are going to put dad on a feeding pump. Basically, he will have a machine pump food slowly in to his stomach 24/7 automatically just so his body can start getting nutrition. If he tolerates that, MD Anderson will consider him going back to the other way by putting food in a bag and allowing gravity push the food into his stomach.

The nurses here are telling us as long as everything goes well, Dad should be discharged from the hospital either late tomorrow evening to Thursday morning.