dad had PET scan today. Got results: one tumor (cancer) spot. It is about a quarter size. It is on a lymph node under the left collar bone. Dad will meet w the radiation dr within the next week. He has not had radiation in this spot so hopefully he will be approved. As you can image, today has been a hard day. However, despite the tears, we are so thankful for 1) it is only one spot 2) it is only a quarter size 3) he can have radiation on this spot which we know is his best option. 4)We caught this very early so we have better chances of beating it.

We came home today and we have already given this to God. I know in my soul that God light shined through all of the darkness months ago. I know He has not left us and I know His healing hand is already put things into motion to zap this one spot out. Will keep u updated.