Dennis had an area on the left side of his jaw that they weren’t sure what it was. They knew that a lymph node on the left side of his chest was cancer but was not sure about the jaw so they did a biopsy on it. Dennis and I found out yesterday that the area in his jaw is also the squamous cell which is a type of cancer Dennis has. His radiation Dr. told us today that it is a possibility that there are two other lymph nodes in that area that are also cancer. So they are going to treat all of them in the whole left side of Dennis’s jaw. He is also going to be treated for the one that is on the left side on his chest area. It is also in the lymph node and is between the upper part of the chest to the breast area.
Dennis has to go the dentist on September 5th to make sure his teeth are all in good shape because he doesn’t want to have to have a tooth pulled on the left side of his mouth after he gets radiation in that area. He will not heal properly. His radiation Dr. is a very kind man and he is being very cautious on everything he is doing for Dennis. With Dr. Skinner being cautious and asking for a biopsy of Dennis’s jaw is the best thing because it could have not been diagnosed then we would have had more problems. If anyone has to have radiation and goes to M D Anderson please ask for Dr. Skinner he is a very good thorough Dr.
The great thing about this is there is No cancer where it was before. So this is great news even though Dennis is showing cancer again it is in different areas then the original cancer so what was done to him worked.
Things will be a little rougher in some manners with this time the last and then some areas will be not so hard as last time. Each time a person gets Radiation it takes an overall toll on the body. It is hard to describe you definitely want to get the radiation again if needed but there might be some overall long term tolls on your body.
It is so hard on a person’s emotion to get there hope and dreams up when they hear no more cancer then just get hit again three months later. But Dennis and I and God will fight this one again and we will win because we have great doctors and a wonderful God on our side.
As you may or may not be aware, Dad recently had a crown put in. Since then, his jaw has been hurting. Dad told his MD Anderson doctors about his jaw and they honestly didn’t think it was related to his esophagus cancer. However, they went ahead and did some test on his jaw area just to be on the safe side. The other day, they did a biopsy of the lymph node on Dad’s jaw. The results came back today that he has malignant cancer in the jaw area. They are the squamous cells, which are the same cells of his esophagus cancer.
This new finding of cancer will most likely post pone his treatment because he has to get approval of a dentist to do radiation in the jaw area. If I understanding what Mom told me correctly, if Dad has dental work done in a certain amount of time period after treatment, he could mess up his jaw / teeth as a whole. So, it’s very important that Dad has healthy teeth, since he can’t have any dental work done for X amount of time. We have many questions with very little answers. Dad and mom has to go down and personally talk to Dad’s MD Anderson doctor and find out what needs to be done next.
Besides finding out the results of the biopsy, Dad also had a CAT scan done today. We should know the results by Tuesday. As always, please continue to pray for Dad to be healed.
Dennis went for a PET Scan on the 19th of August and they found a lymph node on his left side that has a spot that is cancer. They have decided that he will basically have the same procedure done this time as he did last time. He will start Chemo and Radiation back up. He will have to go and get a port put back in for the Chemo so that will be a day surgery. Then the Radiation Dr. is trying to get approval from the ins. company to get the Proton radiation again. So say a prayer that they don’t give the Dr. a hard time about it. The facility that he gets the Proton Radiation is not on our ins. but regular radiation is. But just like last time the Proton is better for Dennis as it can beam straight to the area needed. So it is not so wide spread. Dennis has already been suited for his outfit that he wears during radiation. They call it being simulated, they go in and make a mold like of your body structure, and they use it each time he has radiation. Of course this one is different than the last one because the cancer is in a different place.
Even though we didn’t want to hear that Dennis had Cancer again but we did count our blessings that the cancer is nowhere that it was before. This is a blessing! The reason they can do the radiation this time is because they did not do it in this area last time. Remember you can only have radiation one time in that specific area. But if you haven’t had it in another area then you can have it there. Each time you have another treatment of radiation done you have a greater chance of some side effects to your body afterwards. But without the radiation the cancer will grow, so it is well worth the chance to have no cancer to possibly some side effects from it.
Dennis had a bad tooth and he went to the Dentist and they told him he needed a crown. He had one put in but has been getting pain from it ever since. Well when they did the PET Scan a spot showed up on the scan for Dennis’s jaw. Well the Dr. feels it was from all of the dental work he had just a week or so before the scan. But Dr. Skinner, Dennis’s Radiation Dr. wants to be sure so he had an ultra sound done on it this past Mon. They were also going to do a biopsy on it to because there are lymph nodes in that area. But Dennis needed to be off his blood thinner meds at least 24 hours and they forgot to tell him so he will have the biopsy done Thursday the nice thing about it that we will have the results that day. Dr. Skinner said he didn’t want to scare us but he wants to be thorough which we definitely agree. We will let you know what happen there probably Thursday night or on Fri.
Dennis is also getting a CT done on his neck and head on Thursday because he has been getting some tingling sensations down his back when he over exerts himself and he puts his head down like he was going to pray. They want to make sure everything is ok. He only gets this feeling when he puts his head down and when he has been working hard or walking fast for a while. His Radiation Dr. feels that he is experiencing something called Lhermitte’s sign, it is very very rare but some people that have had radiation get it. It last about 6 months or so after they finish Radiation and then it goes away.
So this is where we stand right now. They are looking to start Chemo and Radiation around the 10th of September but that is not a definite date. He has to get the test done first and see what the results are and he will have to have his port put back in. So keep those prayers coming it worked last time and it will work again. God is with us and he is also with you. Photos coming soon.
Hello friends and family,
I just wanted to talk to you about being a caregiver. I know there are a lot of you out there that are caregivers. Remember you need to talk about things also, so if you ever would like to talk to me about things email me at
Being a caregiver to a person with cancer can be difficult but I am a caregiver to two people in my home, my daughter and my husband. I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love them both so much. It can be very hard trying to keep your love ones spirit high when you want to cry yourself. This is when my faith in God steps in. I can be so exhausted and wonder how I can do it another day but God is there for me and he gives me that strength so I can be there for the ones I love in their need. Being in a wheelchair I have had to give up things my mind wants me to do but my body says no. I try not to let the wheelchair get me down, I feel if I know my strength and weaknesses and if I can do it to help my love ones as a caregiver I will do it if at all possible. Being a caregiver is just like being a person in charge of things. You learn to delegate things and be ready to do the things that you thought were going to get done but in some cases it does not get done. For me being organize is very important, things flow better when I know where things are and what order thing need to be done by importance of what they are. I also realize that you can be as prepared as you need to be and you have days that everything seems to be going in different directions. But that is how life goes.
People that know my situation with my health ask me all the time how are you doing. I usually just say I am fine. God is in my life and even though I have some bumps that I have to live with every day, I don’t feel that it does any good to sit and complain about how bad I feel and I try to remember no matter how bad I feel there is always someone out there that is worse than I am so when God has given me this beautiful day to live in, that is exactly what I do I thank God for letting me be here and be able to function and be able to be a care giver to my family or to whomever needs it.
Dennis had to get some pre-treatment procedures done prior to having to start his IMRT True Beam 2 radiation.
My daddy is feeling a sad and a little low today. We need your help in brightening up his spirits. If you could take the time to go to his web site and put a quote or let him know you were thinking about him… I know it will give him some comfort. 1. Go to 2. go to the guestbook (on top of the home page). 3. Type a message and submit. Thank you to those who have wrote on my dad’s comment section on his web site. My dad does read them and it really helps keep his spirit up. While you are there, you can go to the home page and opt into the email notification. This will send an email directly to you when there is an update on my dad’s health. It is free and will not spam you. If you would like to send a card through the mail, let me know and I can give you our address. We keep every card in a binder so that my dad can look at it.
Dad saw cancer dr today. They are going to do a couple c-scans to check on some pain dad is feeling in lower back. They said it is most likely a side effect from last treatment. Dr also wants dad to do chemo at the same time as radiation…. like he did last time. The cancer spot is not where he had it before so they feel good about this course of treatment. It will take 2-4 weeks to get all in order and then start treatments. More info when I know.
So dr appointment sent for my dad. He goes to see the radiation dr on Friday. Thanks for all the support. As you can imagine, it has been hard to digest that even a small amount of cancer came back. However, I am so thankful it is just that… a small amount. I continue to know that God has put into place steps to remove this evil and heal my daddy once again
dad had PET scan today. Got results: one tumor (cancer) spot. It is about a quarter size. It is on a lymph node under the left collar bone. Dad will meet w the radiation dr within the next week. He has not had radiation in this spot so hopefully he will be approved. As you can image, today has been a hard day. However, despite the tears, we are so thankful for 1) it is only one spot 2) it is only a quarter size 3) he can have radiation on this spot which we know is his best option. 4)We caught this very early so we have better chances of beating it.
We came home today and we have already given this to God. I know in my soul that God light shined through all of the darkness months ago. I know He has not left us and I know His healing hand is already put things into motion to zap this one spot out. Will keep u updated.
Hey Everyone:
I have added a new feature to Dad’s blog. Its called “Subscribe to Blog via Email”. Its on the right side, underneath the main menu. Whenever Mom, Jennifer, or I post something on the blog, you will receive an email alert automatically. In order for you to receive the email, you have to opt into the email list.
Basically, you type in your email address. The system will send you an email asking if you want to opt in and you click on “Confirm Follow”.
Less than 24 hours, we will know the results of dad’s 3 month check up. He is scheduled to have his PET scan and blood work in the morning. Dr visits at noon. Will post as soon as we get results. If the doctor is running late, it may be late afternoon before we know the results. I lift up my dad to God and thank God for all the healing He has given. Lord, watch over our family as we know you are the Healer. Thank you Lord for all you have given us.
Today, daddy got a hair cut. That is exciting news. His hair had gotten long enough to get it cut. what a blessing. Counting to PET scan… Monday is the big day. I have faith that we will hear “No sugar detected” It is hard to believe it has been three months. Seems almost unreal but it is so wonderful to see my dad getting stronger. He still has not gotten 100% strong again as he still gets tried easily. However, considering he could barely get out of the chair a few months ago.. I am so thankful.
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”
― Brian Tracy
Daddy gets his P.E.T. scan on August 19th. It will be his three month check up since being told he was in remission. I have faith and know God’s love and grace has healed my dad. I declare that God is in control and my dad will remain in remission. Please continue to pray for my family