Dad got sick little bit ago. It was red / slimy fluids and none of his medication or his food is red color. We called the MD Anderson on-call doctor and it happens to be Dad’s one doctor. Mom explained everything to the doctor. The doctor is concern, but at this current point, it is understandable. Dad’s esophagus is “very very raw” and would only take a few drops of blood to make it a red color. Plus, since it was red / slimy fluids and not just straight blood, everything is OK for now.

Now, the doctor did tell us what to look for such as him continuing getting sick, high fever, low blood pressure or black stools, we will be going to the MD Anderson ER. Mom is going to continue to take Dad’s blood pressure, but it is borderline on having to take him to the ER.

Dad feels like crap and is trying to rest in his lounger.